Monday 23 January 2012

"The Nature Isle of the Caribbean.."

So Dominica's cheesy national slogan really is true... the nature is it's selling point and it truly is stunning. I don't want to rub it in, but seriously look at it... beautiful or what?

The above was taken as we clambered back over the rocks after taking a dip at the bottom of the most incredible waterfall. Yes, I 'clambered' over these rocks and I'm sure I was elegant and agile! Thanks goes to Curt and Renatta for my personal tour and for acting as my spring board to get from rock to rock!  

After a strenuous rock climb, a peek at some fish and a refreshing spray from a rushing waterfall, we headed for another natural beauty and a much loved site, going by the name of Screws' Spa. This is a selection of natural hot baths or sulphur springs, run by a lovely Rasta named Screws. Honestly one of the most relaxing experiences of my life - sitting in hot natural spring water, listening to reggae, sheltered by rainforest trees and covered by a sparkling night sky. Corny?.. perhaps, but you have to admit it sounds beautiful! 

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