Saturday, 5 May 2012

Elliesha George, and her Dominican Family

More delays in blogging.. apologies to all my avid readers but I've just been too busy basking in the Caribbean sun. I had managed to work up a pretty good tan and combined with my Dominican accent I liked to think I could pass as a local! I even had myself a Dominican name - Elliesha (thanks to Curt) George (thanks to a misunderstanding at the pharmacy). Unfortunately due to insufficient use of aftersun, I suffered from something similar to Michael Jackson's vitiligo and today just to reaffirm the fact I am very much still white, a little 3 year old asked me "Why are you so white?".

Far too much has happened to recall everything here - you'll have to wait for my return to cold, miserable England and endure endless tales of "This one time in Dominica..".

A few weeks ago my grandparents came to visit and they asked me if I had a highlight so far.. and I couldn't really answer. There isn't one specific moment that could be called a highlight, the best thing about it all is the fact that I have met some absolutely incredible people and shared some really special experiences with them. However, whilst my grandparents were here I did experience something that could very well be a highlight moment.. a family boat trip on Harry's 'Emmanuel II' with my Dominican & English family and hundreds of dolphins and flying fish! I was insanely excited at spotting the dolphins and it is truly an experience I will never forget. But, it was the fact I was sharing it with my family that made it so incredible.
So I thought I could use this blog to introduce you to my Dominican family.

First up we have Tina, or Sister Tina (though she's not a nun!). My temporary mother, always there with the hydrogen peroxide to nurse my various ailments. I seem to have had a spout of clumsiness and fell repeatedly on concrete steps, leaving me with some beautiful scars to take back home as souveniers.

Then there's Brother Harry, a professional fisherman who spends most of his time playing dominoes at the fisheries; a prayer warrior, and a secret comedian.

My sisters Renatta and Miriam, together we make a lovely chocolate spread sandwich (one slice of brown bread, one slice white!). From sillyness and laughter, to serious discussions about girly issues like boys.. these girls are exactly how I would imagine a sister to be. To summarise, I steal their clothes and shoes, so we must be sisters!

The lickle brother Ben, my temporary Dexter. Useful for fighting with and being cuddly. He's basically giving me a taste of my own medicine, and troubling me like I trouble Dexter.

And the big brother Curt, an inspirational Christian whose testimonies and encouragement led to my first ever proper prayer, which in turn led to an answer and an understanding that God does listen, you just have to knock at the door!

And then there's the extended family, with various people in and out of the house every day. And also the church family. And basically so many lovely people, who I cherish spending time with... boy I'm going to miss these people too much - best we make the most of the 2 months I have left, I'm sure many more incredible memories will be made.

When I get a break from organising a production of 'Annie' and rehearsing a choir to sing in front of the President.. and the various other jobs I have to do.. I will firstly do my washing and ironing, and then get onto blogging again.

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